This is the year I want to fall in love with life. I want to love to live and live to love.
Get out of my comfort zone.
Go with the flow and not plan as much, just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Think of everything as an adventure.
Stop caring what people think.
Find my rest in Jesus. When life gets super busy make time to rest in the word of God- even if that means staying up later or waking up earlier. Jesus is our resting place.
Read more.
Stop wishing away TODAY by planning so much for tomorrow or next year.
Live like today is all we got.
Laugh at myself, life's too short to be so serious.
Have eyes that enable me to see when someone is hurting or in need of Jesus & the courage to not just see but take action.
Don't just judge a situation based on what I think I see, read between the lines.
Give grace abundantly- no grudges, just open arms.
So here's to 2018... let's do this thing!!!!!
So here's to 2018... let's do this thing!!!!!
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