One day this will happen.
One day all heads will bow.
all knees will hit the ground.
all hands will be lifted high.
all hearts will be surrendered.
& all tongues will be saying only one name, Jesus.
As I sit right now in the quiet of my room, I can't quiet seem to ignore the fact that the world around me is the complete & utter opposite of quiet. It is filled with so much hate. So much hurt. So much loss. A lot of things that I can't even begin to comprehend because it's not in the direct contact of my day to day life. I can turn off the news and forget that the shooting in Las Vegas ever happened, but others- that is their life now. They are living that nightmare. My heart is so heavy right now for those who can't seem to find quiet because their lives have been completely overtaken by the destructive path of pure hate. My heart is aching to see every head bowed, every hand raised, & every mouth screaming the name Jesus- but sadly that's not reality right now. So as we are in this time of chaos and our world just seems to be crumbling, I encourage you to cling tightly to this hope of the name name Jesus being shouted from every mouth. Cling with every fiber in your body and never doubt for a second that all good has been sucked out of this world, because it hasn't. The victory has already been claimed. Every trial that is given to you on this earth, Jesus has already conquered.
While clinging to this hope, I beg you to not close your eyes. Don't ignore that bad things are happening. The devil is living & we cannot close our eyes to this truth. We cannot isolate ourselves in our little corner of the world & choose to believe that the rest of the world is all flowers and sunshine. Open your eyes and face the fact that we live in a broken world and we can't start to mend the pieces if we choose to ignore the fact that it's crumbling in the first place. Their is a whole world out there in desperate need of love & I don't want to be blind to that truth because I want to see it change. You will never be able to see the extent of God's glory if you choose to only see the end product of his miracles. I truly believe with all my heart that the love of Jesus can & will change this world. It's just up to us whether or not we're going to be the ones who spread it.
lots of love, j
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