Dancing Through Life

Friday, January 19, 2018

I've come to realize that I don't want to just simply live this life. Walking through each day with a sense of seriousness. Going about daily task with no sense of excitement. Living life just to survive, and occasionally thrive. Life is short- wayyyyy to short for this whole live to survive & pray that we thrive kinda thing. I want to start thriving NOW- one song at a time. I want my days on this earth to be full. I want to look back on situations and remember me dancing my way through and making the best out of every second. I want to dance like no one's watching. Stop caring what everyone thinks. Throw your hands up & spin around till you literally fall to the ground. Don't even glance once to see what people around you are saying. If you have a dream, go for it. Don't let the fear of failure or what others may say stop you. Dance like no ones watching girl!!! Dream big. Be intentional. Take the risk. Make everyone else around you want to dance because excitement is just radiating off of you. Be quick to forgive & let your song be filled with grace. In the midst of heartbreak, in the midst of chaos, in the midst of disappointment, the music does not stop...life does not just stop, we must keep dancing. Pick your chin up, kick your shoes off, and dance girl. Give lots of hugs. Laugh really hard & love people even harder. Take lots of pictures. Don't just live, live your best life possible & thrive. Whatever the song of your life is right now- happy, sad, energetic, slow, or your all time favorite jam- give it your best moves. two left feet & all. Give it your everything, everyday. Laugh a lot & accept the abundant grace given by Jesus when you fall short & your 2 left feet just aren't cutting it. Jesus is your right foot man, he makes us whole when we are nothing but shattered. Accept that & embrace it. If I can achieve anything here on this earth, it would simply be to love Jesus, love people, and love the journey of it all. 

Just remember, whatever you do, wherever you go, whoever you meet, keep your eyes pointed to Jesus and never stop dancing. 

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