you are extraordinary

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Okay is it odd to anyone else that right now you are reading this with 2 little round things in the front of your head that we call "eyes"? or that we stand on two legs that are oddly longer than any other part of our body? or that attached to our odd shaped feet are 10 stubby little things we call toes? like whattttt, why on earth are we like this?? here's the one that really gets me, hair. I mean besides that fact that I would look like an egg without it, why is it there? When I really think about the detail & intricacy put into each and everyone of us, I have nothing else to say but WOW. God truly is hands down the greatest artist ever.  We are all so detailed & unique, it's crazyyyyy. I forget this truth a lot. Society makes us believe that we have to think a certain way, look a certain way, & act certain way. Often times I get caught up in trying to  pursue this "certain way" & by doing so I cut out a lot of the beauty & potential God has for my life. Our beauty is found in the name of Jesus, and the name of Jesus is heard when we live a life true to ourselves. By trying to form ourselves to the standards this world sets for us, we are just saying that we're normal. Normal can be a good thing if we are talking about something like our health, but as a person, I don't want to be normal- that's boring. We are all so oddly unique & interesting, yet we still label ourselves as normal. If God wanted normal he would have made us all an army of identical robots, but he didn't. Instead He made you & no one else comparable to you- so stop striving for normal because your better than that.

I think a lot of times we forget the simple fact that at the makeup of us all is something extraordinary. We listen to that voice in our head telling us we can't do something because it's screaming
you're not smart enough.
you're not pretty enough.
you're not worthy enough.
you're simply not enough.
ever hear these words in your head? I know I have & it hurts. It tears you down, crushes you & makes you feel like nothing. am I right?  It finally hit me one day that these thoughts are straight from the devil himself & the truth is these kind of thoughts are holding a lot of us back from doing some extraordinary things. We hold back from doing extraordinary things because we believe we are just normal. An example of normal is this, I wake up, go to school, do homework, go to dance, & then go to bed. That's normal. People are not normal. You are not normal. The word normal doesn't apply when describing a person. It doesn't even exist because at the root of us all is something extraordinary. Even if you don't believe it yourself, it's still there. The hands of God are the most extraordinary & those very same hands knitted you together. To think for a second that you are anything but extraordinary, is an insult to God. By calling yourself unworthy or striving to fit in & be normal, you are telling God that his most prized master piece is not good enough, because that's what you are- God's work of art, his master piece, his life's work. It's simple, you are extraordinary. Please don't ever forget that. That's all I have to say for today, but I hope it was a little bit of an encouragement for ya. 

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