This past weekend I was at a church retreat. Our whole theme for the weekend was to live a life without filters, to be real. We live in a filtered society. We try to cover up every ounce of ugliness and turn it into something beautiful. Truth is sometimes things are just ugly. We just need to accept that we are broken people that live in a broken world with broken relationships & broken perspectives. Brokenness does not need a filter to fix it, brokenness needs healing.
The fake smiles. The way you act around one group of friends vs. another group. These are all filters trying to cover up that fact that we are broken people!!! We all have them, it's human nature to cover up what is broken. The ugly parts of me are easiest just to slap on a smile and just keep swimming. That may temporarily "fix" your brokenness, but it doesn't make it disappear. It just covers it up. You don't put a Band Aid on a broken bone. That's not healthy and I think it would hurt a lot. It's not healing. That's kind of what it's like when we put filters on our lives to cover up all the ugly parts of it. We don't heal by covering stuff up, we leave it to infect. It might be considered "getting over" a situation, but that's not what were made for. Jesus isn't there for us just to get over things and shove them to the back burner, he is there for us to heal. Healing is the long road, but it's the one that ends in a wound that doesn't bleed all over the place every time you move. In order to heal, you have to be real and honest with yourself and accept that you are a broken person, but that's okay. I've found so much freedom when I opened up. Talked it out. Dug through the messy parts of my heart... some I didn't even know were there. I am forever grateful that we have a God who welcomes our brokenness with open arms. I've also come to learn that people welcome it to. It might not seem like it from the outside, but on the inside we are all just screaming to know that we're not alone. If we all would just let down our guard and not be scared to show people the raw and honest version of ourselves, a lot more love would go around this world. Love that is much needed. If we weren't so quick to judge peoples baggage and just gave them a hug before they even said a word- I can only imagine the amount of loneliness that would fade away. Jesus craves us to know we are not alone sooooo bad. I crave it too. I wish so bad for everyone to be loved all the time. If I could give every single person I came in contact with a hug, I would. I can't- but Jesus does. Being real is not only good for your soul, but it also makes others aware that they aren't in this alone. So be real- be real with yourself. Be real with others. Be real with Jesus. Being real is more than just exposing the little scrapes in our life, it's about being honest with yourself and digging up the parts of us that our messy and raw.
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